There's a new love in my life... loves, actually. Depending on the voracity of my appetite and schedule, I may take a new companion every few weeks. And I've chosen the best of the best as my conquests, lauded favorites - the immaculate bodies of which are rivaled by few.
Ok, I'll stop my bawdy drivel. I'm talking about books - the classics to be precise. The kind of time-honored books that for generations have careened readers' imaginations into the unknown, that have jolted awake the hibernating corners of thoughts and souls. (Are these not the idyllic reactions we crave from a lover?)
It's settled then! This blog, to be clear, serves several purposes. 1) It holds me accountable to a goal I've long held - reading these books that, for whatever inexcusable reasons, have escaped my grasp. 2) It will remind me of the content and accompanying rapture/musings/contemplations that surfaced as a result of each (I seem to have shit for brains when it comes to long-term recollection.) And finally - this is where you come in... 3) It's a chance for me to get suggestions and feedback from friends. Read along, chime in, offer additions to the list, enjoy, grimace, disregard, whatever.
I've begun the preliminary list from a Cincinnati Library compilation I found online. Again, I assume it will be ever-expanding, and is absolutely open to recommendation. I will cross the titles off as I finish them. Those that have already been stricken have previously been read and may be revisited later now that I've (hopefully) gained at least a grain of acuity since the good 'ole high school days.
List to come...
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